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Sid Dickens Spring 2016: The Awakenings Collection

Posted on March 10 2016

Sid Dickens Spring 2016: The Awakenings Collection

Sid Dickens new spring collection aptly named Awakening is bright, light and brings hope and positivity for the forthcoming season. Rising with nature from a long winter, we wake to see the world reborn. - Metamorphosis, the butterfly speaks of the glorious transformation and of accepting the beauty of ones true colour. - Red Silk is rich in colour and heritage. - The Faith block, is in a similar vein to some of our script best sellers; Birth, Joy, Family, Kiss (Union), Friendship and Ha.

The Faith memory block is a reminder of life's resiliency, especially after some rain has fallen. - Tiny Dancer and Songbird praise the world's great performers, be they winged or human. Their infectious talent touches our lives, inspiring our own creative expression. - Sweet Rose - "In her smile, there's a glow; A scent so heavenly it moves the soul." - Traveller's Joy may resonate with those considering a move, whether physical or spiritual. - Nest, is at the very heart of the collection, a welcome sight to come home to as it sets a comforting tone. - Citron is an enticing call to indulge in the bolder flavours of life, a kind of spring fever.

We think this would work really well in a kitchen alongside some of the brighter blocks, such as Yesterday The new Sid Dickens collection is due in mid March along with some of the recently retiring memory blocks and some of the previous collections. Please contact us if you require any further information 01373 228 272